Monday, October 8, 2012

New homes for litter A "Clue"!

Here I am, a little after the fact, but here all the same. All our sweet pups made it to their new homes and are settling in well I am told. Cinna was a little blue for a few days but she quickly recovered and is doing great. I took her to a week long dog training seminar last week and she was awesome and everyone loved her. I hope everyone loves her pups as much as I love her. :-)

Here are all of you wonderful people with your wonderful puppies! (hope you don't mind me borrowing your photos :-))

Mr Green is now Cooper

Chief is still Chief :-)

Ms. Scarlet is now Josie
(teehee just like her mama)

Mrs White is now Harley
 (with her new big brother Gage)

Mrs Peacock is now Ginny

Professor Plum is now Grizzly
(practicing being a big dog :-))

Mr. Boddy is now Sir Wallace
 (is that cute or what?)

Wadsworth is now Cassius

Colonel Mustard is now Echo and lives with his daddy Doc

I just love seeing pictures of them and hearing how they are doing. If any of you have more pictures please please send them my way! And I love the updates, keep em coming! Thank you all for taking such good care of my (now your) puppies. I hope you all love them forever!