Monday, March 25, 2013

5 weeks!

5 weeks! Can you believe it? It is flying by! The supers are growing so big and developing personalities and are just wonderfully cute. They are almost on completely dry food and mama has started the weaning process. They are doing so great with their potty training, I'm so proud. :-) It has been rather cold here but whenever the sun is out I try to get them outside and they love it until they get too chilly and then the tell me about it. Everyone got their first set of shots today and the vet says they look superbly healthy. Little Thor is growing so good and LOVES solid food. For the most part everyone is in the 5-6lb range, Thor is still 3lbs, BIG difference but he makes up for it in personality. :-) Hawkeye is the biggest this week and Iron Man is the smallest (not counting Thor of course). Here they are folks!

Note: I got more pictures of some than others, just depends on how trigger happy I was at the moment, haha!

STARS/Captain America-  is the leader of the pack, he is so outgoing and the first to explore new places/things.

 I love it when mama starts to play with and teach them, she is so good and its so fun to watch.

 all slimy from mama haha :-)
Uncle Jim looooves the puppies

GRAY/Professor X- is so sweet, he is outgoing and playful, and always cocks his head to listen to you. :-)

TEAL/Mystique- is such a cute girl, she is super playful but sweet and cuddly when held.

gettin' checked out by Uncle Remus

YELLOW/Wolverine- is a calm and has the cutest raspy voice, you can tell without looking when he is talking. :-)

ORANGE/Phoenix- is probably the most playful of the bunch, she is up for a romp anytime but when picked up and held she snuggles in for loves.

PURPLE/Magneto- is such a fun pup, he is so observant and watches everything before jumping in to play. He is shaped very like is granddaddy thru his body, I love it.

GREEN/Hulk- mild mannered Bruce Banner as he is known here is the sweetest most calm of the bunch, he takes every experience with a chill pill and a sigh.

 (I just thought this was cute)

GOLD/Thor- oh baby Thor, he is going to be a lover. He has learned that if he batts his cute eyes and makes one little peep he gets scooped up and loved on and this is his very favorite activity, right before eating. :-)

BLUE/Beast- is a sweet boy, he is a little shy of new things but warms up and gets brave fast.

check out those shoulders will ya :-)

NO COLLAR/Hawkeye- I have to admit that he is still my favorite. He has a little mischievous streak to him and loves to get into things when he not being a love.

WHITE/Storm- is a sweet little thing, she is playful and fun in one ball of cuteness, who I did not get any real great pictures of, boo hiss.

RED/Iron Man- oh such a handsome boy, and such a sweetie too. He has great personality from his head down to his little kinked tail. :-)

such a gorgeous face on that kid.

And that's all folks! Have a good night!

Monday, March 18, 2013

4 weeks!

This is the time in the supers lives when they really start to get cute. This is my most favorite and least favorite age. Most favorite because they are so stinking cute, starting to play very clumsily, being observant, exploring, finding their voices, etc etc. Least favorite because no matter what I do they are always stinky. Starting potty training and starting solid food are a wicked combination. Right now they are just getting mush food and man is it smelly. They are not quite getting the concept of using the potty box consistently yet so add that type of stinky and whew, smelly little poops, I mean pups. :-) If you get a chance to visit you will see what I mean. This weeks pictures came after much needed baths and they are so cute and fluffy from being blow dried. Here they are!


Gray/Professor X (we have decided to change his color to Silver, :-) fits his personality.

Gold/Thor (didn't want to pose)



Red/Iron Man


Stars/Captain America

No collar/Hawkeye

Purple/Magneto (I couldn't resist :-))


Orange/Phoenix (who has been the biggest the last few days)

And my sorry attempt to get a group shot was a little laughable. haha!
and another...
and what happens 1.3 seconds after putting them all in place...
I tried. :-)

This was a BIG week for the bunch. They moved into their big dog space,

 started big dog food (kinda),

(I may spoil Thor a bit)are being told to potty somewhere specific, had a couple day visit from one of their big sisters, (Teal/Mrs Peacock 8mos old)
(silly big puppy found some pillows, she is taller than her mama fyi)
think playing is sooooo fun, are starting to come when called, and are starting to meet all sorts of fun new people! They are so cool.

That was our week in a nutshell. Goodnight from the supers!

(Mystique and Pheonix)