Monday, March 18, 2013

4 weeks!

This is the time in the supers lives when they really start to get cute. This is my most favorite and least favorite age. Most favorite because they are so stinking cute, starting to play very clumsily, being observant, exploring, finding their voices, etc etc. Least favorite because no matter what I do they are always stinky. Starting potty training and starting solid food are a wicked combination. Right now they are just getting mush food and man is it smelly. They are not quite getting the concept of using the potty box consistently yet so add that type of stinky and whew, smelly little poops, I mean pups. :-) If you get a chance to visit you will see what I mean. This weeks pictures came after much needed baths and they are so cute and fluffy from being blow dried. Here they are!


Gray/Professor X (we have decided to change his color to Silver, :-) fits his personality.

Gold/Thor (didn't want to pose)



Red/Iron Man


Stars/Captain America

No collar/Hawkeye

Purple/Magneto (I couldn't resist :-))


Orange/Phoenix (who has been the biggest the last few days)

And my sorry attempt to get a group shot was a little laughable. haha!
and another...
and what happens 1.3 seconds after putting them all in place...
I tried. :-)

This was a BIG week for the bunch. They moved into their big dog space,

 started big dog food (kinda),

(I may spoil Thor a bit)are being told to potty somewhere specific, had a couple day visit from one of their big sisters, (Teal/Mrs Peacock 8mos old)
(silly big puppy found some pillows, she is taller than her mama fyi)
think playing is sooooo fun, are starting to come when called, and are starting to meet all sorts of fun new people! They are so cool.

That was our week in a nutshell. Goodnight from the supers!

(Mystique and Pheonix)

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