Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Introducing the Supers!

We are so excited to announce the arrival of our B litter who we have dubbed our Supers! The Vet called Cinna a Wonder mama because she cranked out 12 puppies in under 7 hours which for canines is rather amazing. Our last litter of 9 took 9 hours. It was a fun night for all of us, puppies number two and four came in the dark, we had too many things (heating pad/lamps, room heaters, phone chargers etc) plugged in and we kept blowing the breaker, good thing cell phones have such good flashlights now days. The first half of the pack came on Monday the 17th and the last half came on the 18th. We ended up with 9 (jaw drop) boys and 3 sweet girls. I have some wonderful friends who acted as "Midwoofs" with me and it was a hugely successful whelping.
We took a field trip to the vet on Tuesday to have everyone checked out and make sure Mama was in good shape. Everyone received a clean bill of health and the bebes got fawned over by the techs, until Mama gave them the evil eye for getting too close that is. :-) She is a good protective Mama. Withought further adieu, ladies and gentlemen, I present "The Supers":

NOTE: some of the collar colors have been changed since these pictures.

Green male is "Hulk" (ironically enough he is the smallest of the bunch)
Yellow male is "Wolverine"
Gray male is "Professor X"
Gold male is "Thor"
Teal female is "Mystique"
Stars'n'stripes male is "Captain America"
Blue male is "Beast"
Red male is "Iron Man"
Purple male is "Magneto" (don't be fooled, so far he is not very villainous)
Orange female is "Phoenix" (so far she is the chunk of the bunch)
White female is "Storm"
No collar male is "Hawk Eye"

And that's the lot my friends, aren't they awesome?! A perfect dozen if I do say so myself. :-)
Iron Man
 Hawk Eye
 Captain and Iron Man
 Hulk and Professor X

Beast on top of the pile.

We are very very excited for these babies and so happy they are finally here. We will be accepting visitors (from future owners) in about a week and a half and anyone else in about 2 and half weeks.

Yay for puppies!


  1. Kara, as a matter of fact there is one spot available. Email me at m.anne.lewis@gmail.com for an application.
