Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hi everyone, I thought I would post a few more videos for your viewing pleasure. The first is of Cinna and Doc during their last play date. This was the first time Cinna was super interested  in him, normally she is rather aloof and coy. Cinna is super social when it comes to other dogs. We were regulars at a dog socialization class called 'Pack to basics" before we got her and now we have been attending for almost 4 years and I help run the class and all of our dogs are old hats, though none of them actually play with other dogs oddly enough, they just love to be around them. But this visit from Doc was different, as he came through he gate she was all a flutter with excitement and immediately tried to get him to play. Of course being a Stud dog he was more interested in all the smells and marking everything. She did entice him to play eventually and it was kind of like a freight train rolling around the yard. I hope that her sudden interest means that she is getting close to being in heat, fingers crossed.

The next video is of meal time for the Lewis dogs. We feed once a day so everyone is always super excited for it. Cinna sometimes loses her head and goes before she is allowed, but you will see how sweet she is about minding and having her food handled. She has never shown any food aggression but she is extremely food motivated, and is rather piggy and sometimes tries to finish Jim's food if he is not done before her. The moisture you might notice on their food is a raw egg (2x a week to make their coats shiny) and water to slow them down.

And the next is from a few months ago when our daughter Rory was still crawling and it was a nightly ritual to cuddle with Cinna before bedtime. Cinna is so tolerant and lets Rory do just about anything to her. Now that she is walking she climbs all over her, something our other two dogs do not allow. Its kind of a long video, but shows just how sweet Cinna is.

And finally some pictures I took today of the lovely Cinna, her Vet told us to put her on a diet to loose a few lbs before getting pregnant so now (compared to the pictures taken with Doc posted before) she is trim and slim as she should be, but shhh don't tell her she was chubby or that she is on a diet. :-)

Update, for some reason those last two videos will not upload, I will try again in a different post.

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