Wednesday, September 5, 2012

7 weeks!

I'm a little slow this week, life grabbed a hold and ran with us this week, crazy how that happens sometimes. :-) We have begun the choosing process and have only made it to number 3 so far, we will get there though. So far Colonel and Chief are spoken for. Here are some pictures from the week.

Mr Green.


Ms. Scarlet (who wanted to look like a dork for her picture :-))

Mrs. White

Mrs. Peacock

Prof. Plum (who was sleepy)

 Colonel Mustard

Mr. Boddy (who looks the most mastiff like in the head and body)

Wadsworth (Watson)

They are all so awesome, I don't think you could pick a bad one in the bunch. :-)
Doc can to visit this last week, he didn't quite know why we wanted him to be all excited about a bunch off little runts running around. He was so tolerant and just let them be crazies around him.
 Scarlet getting some daddy play time

 "Umm why do I have to be in this pen where all the puntables are?"
 Boddy checking to see if daddy has any food for him
mama and daddy with the brood
A few more...
 hehe I love frog dogs
 peek a teal!
Its so impossible to get a picture of them all at once. Today we had an adventure and tried really hard to get them all in mamas dog cart, yeah I don't know what we were thinking, or how other people get such great photos! I think we waited a few weeks too long to try, they are just too rambunctious now. But here are some of the attempts :-).
 Cart O' Pups!
 This particular cart was not built to hold 100lbs of puppy, haha hence why Ray has to help support it up off of Cinna. :-)
 How many do you count haha!
 This was probably the best photo I got, which is kind of sad, but still cute!
 All of the different facial expressions are priceless!
 And this is what the majority of them look like, pups trying to bail :-)
And that was our fun for the day.
I also wanted to post the Temperament test scores today, they all did really well, everyone got 3's and 4's which are great!
Mr. Green:
Social attraction- 6
Following- 5
Restraint- 3
Social dominance-3
Elevation dominance-4
Touch sensitivity-4
Sound sensitivity-3
Sight sensitivity-3
Mostly 3's

Social attraction- 6
Following- 5
Restraint- 4
Social dominance-3
Elevation dominance-4
Touch sensitivity-3/4
Sound sensitivity-4
Sight sensitivity-3
Mostly 4's

Ms. Scarlet:
Social attraction- 5
Following- 3
Restraint- 2
Social dominance-3
Elevation dominance-4
Touch sensitivity-4/5
Sound sensitivity-4
Sight sensitivity-3
Mostly 3's

Mrs. White:
Social attraction- 6
Following- 5
Restraint- 2
Social dominance-3
Elevation dominance-4
Touch sensitivity-4/5
Sound sensitivity-4
Sight sensitivity-3
Mostly 4's

Mrs. Peacock:
Social attraction- 6
Following- 4
Restraint- 3
Social dominance-4
Elevation dominance-4
Touch sensitivity-4/5
Sound sensitivity-4
Sight sensitivity-3
Mostly 4's

Prof. Plum:
Social attraction- 6
Following- 4
Restraint- 4
Social dominance-3
Elevation dominance-5
Touch sensitivity-1
Sound sensitivity-4
Sight sensitivity-3
3's & 4's

Col. Mustard:
Social attraction- 5
Following- 4
Restraint- 4
Social dominance-3
Elevation dominance-4
Touch sensitivity-4
Sound sensitivity-4
Sight sensitivity-3
Mostly 4's

Mr. Boddy:
Social attraction-6
Following- 5
Restraint- 4
Social dominance-3
Elevation dominance-4
Touch sensitivity-4/5
Sound sensitivity-4
Sight sensitivity-3
Mostly 4's

Wadsworth (watson):
Social attraction- 5
Following- 5
Restraint- 4
Social dominance-4
Elevation dominance-4
Touch sensitivity-3/4
Sound sensitivity-4
Sight sensitivity-3
Mostly 4's

This post is becoming ridiculously long, so I'll be done for today. I will update as puppies are picked! Hope all is well and you are getting ready, 9 weeks is coming up!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    These are beautiful pups! I was wondering if these puppies were still available? I seen an add on ksl a while ago. If not would you be breeding again next year? My husband and I have been interested in this breed for a long time but can never find any in Utah.
    My email is

